The Pull Away & Push Away after getting close or getting intimate is a classic get close then pull back dynamic that many many many end up using and practicing. Why?
Men get close and then pull away or push back or even just plain vanish because..
- Fear of Intimacy, Authenticity & any number of other “not-being-enough”-type beliefs
- Confusion
- Criticism
- Rejection
- Feeling Hurt
- Being called out for inappropriate behavior
- Not being Heard – Feeling Ignored
- Fears of getting too close because of issues of Adequacy (lack of)
- Lying & Fear of getting discovered – getting caught
- Having stuff come up & not knowing what to do about it – so run or hide or vanish solution
- Transference or Externalization of Past Issues projected onto current experience/situation
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. ~ George Bernard Shaw